
Issuance and Presentation APIs can be accessed from any HTTP clients. However, here we will walkthrough the usuage of APIs via Postman


  1. Open Postman and Click on New HTTP Request.
  2. Click on Tests tab and paste the below issuance code for Issuance requests or presentation code for Presentation requests.
 let template = `
 <img src='{{img}}'/> 
 <h6>Pin Code: {{pin}}</h6>
 <h6>Request ID: {{requestId}}</h5>

 pm.visualizer.set(template, { 
     requestId: pm.response.json()["credential"]["requestId"],
     img: pm.response.json()["credential"]["qrCode"],
     pin: pm.response.json()["credential"]["pin"]
 let template = `
 <img src='{{img}}'/> 
 <h6>Request ID: {{requestId}}</h5>

 pm.visualizer.set(template, { 
     requestId: pm.response.json()["credential"]["requestId"],
     img: pm.response.json()["credential"]["qrCode"],

Postman Tests Tab


  1. Select POST method and Send request for issuance (for example: Click on Visualize tab. Identity Issuance Postman
  2. Open Microsoft Authenticator App -> Select Verified IDs -> Scan the QR Code. Enter the Pin Code and Add the Verified Credential. Identity Issuance Authenticator App


  1. Select GET method and Send request for presentation (for example: Click on Visualize tab. Identity Presentation Postman
  2. Open Microsoft Authenticator App -> Select Verified IDs -> Scan the QR Code. Enter the Pin Code and accept the Verified Credential. Identity Presentation Authenticator App

Callback Response

  1. Select GET method and Send request for presentation (for example:
    Query paramter requestId value is same as the requestId from response of issuance or presentation requests.

Callback Response Postman